
Joining DESN gives you access to member only resources, workstream activities, and discounted sponsorship opportunities.

Members have access to our Basecamp group where they can download presentations, member badges and other materials as well as networking within the wider DESN community. With a wide range of workstreams, members are able to network with a range of leading industry companies.

Members can get access to discounts on training and services through the DESN Academy.


Access to member only events and working groups, allowing you to meet like minded members and associated companies to learn from or collaborate with.

Conferences & Workstreams

Access to working groups and work streams, focussing on key areas of embedded design and development. Based around key topics or challenges, bringing members together with a common interest or goal.

Free to Attend events , discounts on larger conferences.


Join forces with other members to collaborate on industry needs or challenges, inform government bodies on industry demands.

Being at the core and centre to assist government policy decisions

Technology Hub

Promote your services to other members via the Hub, receive discounts on member services and training


By working with other members, help us create change, writing white papers to create an industry standard, challenging government or just working with your peers to solve common problems.

Help create Industry Roadmaps & Guidance Documents.

Working Groups

Find out more about our working groups by visiting this page.

The Academy

The Academy has been setup to create a centre of excellence focussing on the skills gaps within the embedded systems community. Offering a range of training courses to support graduates moving into industry or to help industry with reskilling.