FPGA Frontrunner Meet and Greet
October 19, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
FPGA Frontrunner Meet & Greet
DESN is pleased to announce the next FPGA Front Runners event – to he hosted by Rolls Royce at their Engine Controls facility in Solihull on October 19th .
The FPGA Front runners is all about bringing together the UK FPGA & ASIC design communities to discuss all things gate array. Share knowledge, find out what is going on and network with like minded people.
This event brings something new to the group, hosted at a member site, and allowing us more space for networking. There will be a mini expo with members promoting their products and services to the group.
We are also inviting students from across the UK to the event, to bring them closer to the community, for them to understand about the world of FPGAs and meet our members who are actively seeking graduates.
A factory tour will be arranged for the students, there maybe some extra places available – so when registering, please list your interest in a site tour.
Speakers will be announced nearer the time.
Everyone is welcome, come along and get involved in what is becoming a vibrant UK community for FPGA & ASIC design engineers.
Dave Sanders, Rolls-Royce
Dave Sanders is an Associate Fellow at Rolls-Royce specialising in the development of complex electronic hardware. He has 25 years’ experience working in the electronics industry, with 22 of those developing the safety critical microprocessors that form the heart of the Rolls-Royce control systems for both aerospace and non-aerospace applications.
Harald Werner, Efinix Inc.
Harald Werner has over 30 years’ experience in the electronic industry.
He received an Dipl.- Ing (FH) at the FH Koblenz.
He started his career in 1987 at Siemens AG, in 1992 he joined the EDA industry at Viewlogic Systems in 1995 he started the career in the semiconductor industry at Actel, following in 2000 with Lattice Semiconductor and since 2020 he joined Efinix Inc. as European Sales Director.
Adam Taylor, Adiuvo Engineering & Training Ltd
Adam Taylor is a world recognised expert in design and development of embedded systems and FPGA’s for several end applications. Throughout his career, Adam has used FPGA’s to implement a wide variety of solutions from RADAR to safety critical control systems (SIL4) and satellite systems. He also had interesting stops in image processing and cryptography along the way. Adam has held executive positions, leading large developments for several major multinational companies.
Amanda Brock, OpenUK
Amanda Brock is CEO of OpenUK, the UK organisation for the business of Open Technology in the UK – open source software, open hardware and open data – with a purpose of UK Leadership and International Collaboration in Open Technology.
She is a Board Member of the Open Source Initiative; appointed member of the Cabinet Office’s Open Standards Board; Member of the British Computer Society Inaugural Influence Board; Advisory Board Member, KDE, Planet Crust, Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance and Mimoto; Charity Trustee Creative Crieff and GeekZone; and European Representative of the Open Invention Network.
Andy Darlington, Renishaw
Andy is a senior design engineer working within Renishaw’s encoder division on new product development.
He specialises in FPGA and VHDL with a particular interest in improving our team’s development processes.